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You're Not My Friend, You're My MOM


A Street staffer e-mailed us the other day to tell us her aunt had friend-requested her, "and the 'i'll melt in your mouth' slogan attached to the headpiece of my hershey's kiss costume? NOT OKAY FOR HER TO SEE."  We've all been there.  Below, read Adam Joseph Drici's commentary on this growing epidemic.

Facebook has turned against us. All was fine and well when it was an online clubhouse for college kids. But now that it's become, dare I say, a respectable Internet institution, we have to face the sad truth: Adults know how to use computers too.

Enter: Oh Crap, My Parents Joined Facebook, the blog that collects the resulting horror stories. Now, we can always hide our exploits and slap our parents/relatives with "limited profile" status -- sorry Mom, I don't really want you looking at photos of me in jorts and cowboy boots -- but we're completely powerless in regard to how they choose to embarrass us with their own online behavior.

Scrolling through OCMPJF, it's painfully clear that parents are really good at making FML-inducing comments. Reading all these posts inspired me to check up on my cousin, a 40-year-old nuclear engineer for the Navy who friended me over winter break. His status? "David is RETIRED." Way to rub your relative economic security in my face. Now you'll have even more time to spend on Facebook.
