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Can We Joke About Arson?


Not just anyone can get into Penn. We have a super serious selective screening process. Accepted students were in the top whatever percent of our graduating class, in honor societies... or maybe we were just Varsity athletes... look, the point is, there's no way someone who has, say, a history of "institutional vandalism and felony criminal damage" could possibly get in. Especially when said history has been documented in the Chicago Maroon. Oh wait, actually, he did, and his name is Neil Gajare. And just in case you thought you hadn't yet seen the work of this Northwestern transfer/swastika-spray-painting-all-star, you may or may not have noticed that Rodin caught on fire last night. That was him! No worries; no one was injured, and boy got arrested (charged with arson - surprise!) The details of the incident - not the least disturbing of which being VP of Public Safety Maureen Rush's keen observation that "This individual could have killed up to 800 people in the high rises" - are in the DP.
