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Rule 17: Omit Needless Words. Rule 17a: Make Up New Ones.


Not that we don't love the winners of our Fling wristband contest, but we thought the ones that lost... well, lacked a little creativity. Putting "FL" in front of random words does not necessarily make them Fling-words. It just makes them a little flucked up. See below for a few of our ideas:

Gust-or-bust -Buying a ticket to the fling concert even though you don't really have $30, or want to see Akon, but you really really want to see Guster. Boozebruise - Injuries you have but whose source you cannot remember, because you probably got hurt while you were blackout. Quad-rant - Loud, obnoxious tirades made by drunk freshmen in the quad who get written up after they get caught with alcohol in their rooms. Drunkhunk - The guy who seemed like a good idea at the time, because you were hammered and "it's FLING!" but when you facebook stalk him the next day... he's pretty busted. Filiguster - When your friend is too drunk and you have to take care of them, thus preventing you from getting to the fling concert in time to see Guster perform.

Have anything better? Leave 'em in the comments.
