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We'll Take "Really Obvious Stuff" For $1000, Alex


Last night's final Jeopardy category: "Colleges and Universities." (Okay, cool, we got this one...) Answer: “This two word term for a famous group of colleges 1st appeared in an AP story that ran in the Providence Journal in 1935.”

Question: What is... umm... damn it, we know this, just give us a sec...

True story: Out of three theoretically intelligent contestants on last night's show, only ONE person knew the correct question: "What is the IVY LEAGUE." (The two who got it wrong guessed "Seven Sisters.") In honor of this man's intellect - despite his awkward ears and scribble-y handwriting -- we are rewarding him with UTB fame:

Thanks to Corey Hulse, W' 07, for the tip and picture.
