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Vinny Price Gets Promoted

Our thoughts about COMM125 aside, it looks like Vincent Price has turned his interim provost term into a permanent one (Penn put a ring on it, if you will). Penn's Twitterati was abuzz about the announcement that came to students via a glowing e-mail from Amy Gutmann herself (we love her e-mail address, by the way: president@upenn.edu). Granted, much of the tweeting was in relation to former provost Ron Daniels's "dreaminess." Daniels left Penn in February to be president of Hopkins, at which time a collective sigh was heard from Penn's male-loving population (or at least from those who knew who the hell he was). While we won't vouch for any sort of Price yum-factor, we have posted the following video in his honor (our first choice was "Thriller", but Michael Jackson's manservants have disabled embedding):
