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Penn for Haiti


UPDATE: The University is no longer accepting donations to relief initiatives in Haiti in check form.  The Makuu Cultural Center will be accepting cash donations throughout the semester and splitting the money between two agencies: UNICEF and the Haitian Professionals of Philadelphia.

Additionally, the drop box locations for the Latino Coalition's supply drive have been announced. See after the jump.

Been wondering what the Penn community is doing to support relief efforts in Haiti? Here's how to help out, courtesy of Jeffrey Tillus (the planning and facilitating chair of UMOJA, the umbrella organization for black student groups):

UTB-fave The Excelano Project is hosting a poetry night on Thursday night. The time and location have not been decided, but will be made available on Facebook soon.

The Latino Coalition is holding a food/clothing/medical supply drive everyday this week. Drop off locations are scattered throughout campus in college house lobbies and fraternity houses. Volunteers are needed to collect the boxes at 8pm every night. For more information please see the Latin Coalition website.

Penn for UNICEF has started a petition in which students pledge a dollar along with their signature.  Forty Penn professors have promised to match the donation amount.

Know other ways Penn students can get involved in Haiti aid efforts? Let us know in the comments.

Drop box locations: ARCH Lobby Chi Omega House Claudia Cohen Hall Gregory College House Lobby Harnwell 16th Floor Harrison 16th and 17th Floor Hillel Lobby Kappa Alpha Society House Kings Court Lobby LGBT Center Lobby Newman Center Lobby Nursing School Lobby Rodin 24th Floor Samson East Lobby Samson West Lobby The Castle Theta House Wharton Undergraduate Advising Office (G95) - Huntsman Hall Woman's Center Lobby

The LC is collecting: Non-Perishable Food: macaroni and cheese boxes, canned pork & beans, canned baked beans, canned green beans, canned corn, cereals, canned fruit cocktail, canned/shelf stable tuna, canned beef stew, water bottles, etc. Medicine: packs of band-aids, bottles of rubbing alcohol, bags of cotton balls, packs of first-aid gauze, first-aid tape, over-the-counter medicines, etc. Clothes: shirts, pants, etc.
