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"The Tri-Delts Ordered Egg White Sandwiches"


File this one under: things we really, really like. As a part of the Awl's "The End of the 00s" feature, Penn alum Luke Mazur composes an ode to Penn food trucks that is nothing short of awesome. Mazur uses Bui's and Hemo's as analogies to make some compelling political statements, but more importantly writes things like, "Hemo had t-shirts too, with his name emblazoned on the front in Microsoft Word block lettering. Some of us bought one (or two) because credit was still cheap, and still our parents'." He also waxes poetic about the days when Greek Lady was still a cart and alludes to Al Filreis' Representations of the Holocaust in Literature and Film class.

This leaves only one question unanswered: WHO IS THE REAL LE ANH?
