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We At The Hotel, Motel, Sher-a-ton


Allow us to share with you the story of our morning. We are awoken early by an email from our friend Shira. The email outlines how Shira woke up at 7 a.m. to find her room "raining". "Go back to bed, drunk Shira," we say. We then roll over and fall back asleep.

Why did Shira think her room was raining you ask? Was it a dream? A hallucination? No. It turns out a pipe burst in Pine Arms early this morning, setting off sprinklers in several apartments. The sprinklers then set off the fire alarms, forcing all of Pine Arms residents to evacuate. Hungover students flooded the streets of 40th, and fire trucks showed up shortly thereafter. The firemen attempted to turn off the sprinklers and alarm, which stayed on for another hour.

We hear damage was only done to four apartments (sorry, Shira!), and residents are staying in the Sheraton on the tab of Campus Apartments. No word on which celebrities have been contacted to do a Pine Arms telethon.
