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Meet Grant Dubler. Grant Dubler. Grant Dubler.

After that whole UA reform spiel in the Fall where we voted to create a UA President, the time is finally here. There's a big, fancy, contested race! Say hello to your new friend, Grant Dubler.

Dubler officially went "on the record" about his candidacy last night, after hosting what he called a "candidate announcement event" last night. Also known as a party. When we asked our sources in the know if this was standard fare, they said it was not.

Anyway, then Dubler made this video, which we'll let you judge for yourself. We particularly like the part where like, eighty people just say "Grant Dubler." We will definitely remember your name now.

Dubler, the race's self-proclaimed "underdog" is facing off against candidate Matt Amalfitano, who does not yet have a video
