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Today In Meaninglessness: How Rich Will Penn Make You

Believe it or not, there's more on the oft-debated topic of "Is Penn Actually Worth It?" The Huffington Post says yes! Yes, it is worth it, the $200,000 is worth it.

HuffPo has a slideshow of the colleges with the biggest payoff by calculating Return on Investment for different schools. Known as ROI, for Wharton folk. At Penn the annual ROI is 11.8% while the 30-Year ROI comes out to $1,361,000.

ROI is calculated here by taking the price of tuition and comparing it to the average salary of graduates. Penn ranks 10 on the scale, an indicator that though Penn is pricey, graduates do on average make high earnings. With a top business school on our hands, this should hardly surprise anyone.

Before you freak out for one reason or another, let's talk about why this is an idiotic measure in almost every sense. The most prolific writers or researchers or city planners or what have you may not earn the highest salaries, so does that make the investment in their degrees less valuable? And moreover, as you should all know--lots of extremely successful people didn't even go to college, or dropped out.
