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Snack Break: It's Food Week!


That's right, this week is dedicated to eating, discussing and celebrating food! And unlike the pricey prices of Restaurant Week (damn you, booze tab), everything about Food Week is totally free. Thanks to the Fox Leadership Program, there is an event every day this week highlighting issues about food in our community. We missed yesterday's kickoff, but you can find a full list of the rest of the week's events after the jump.


"Food and You: Health and Nutrition" Sponsored by School of Nursing Terrace Room, Claudia Cohen Hall 12:00-1:30pm Description: "A question and answer seminar with luncheon featuring Dr. Stella Volpe, Registered Dietitian. Get YOUR questions answered about food and healthy eating."


"Farmville Forum: Where Your Food Comes From" Sponsored by BonAppetit 1920 Commons, Lower Level 5:00-6:30pm Description: "Beef, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. Come find out where it all comes from. A panel of local farmers who supply food on Penn's campus will talk about how and why they farm and the values they bring to campus. "


"Feed Philadelphia" Sponsored by More than Pennies Kings Court 2nd floor Build bags 12:00-2:00pm; Lunch Included Description: "Come join More than Pennies and Food Week to help feed some of Philadelphia's less fortunate. We will be putting together bagged lunches and delivering them to shelters across center city."

“'How to Get Fat Without Really Trying'—Secrets of Obesity Revealed" Sponsored by Moral Voices 1920 Commons 5:30-7:00pm Description: "Please join Moral Voices for their kick-off event of the year, a film screening of Peter Jennings reporting followed by a discussion, beginning a year-long exploration of the moral issues revolving around hunger and obesity. We look forward to a thought-provoking session, which is sure to leave you questioning. Free food from Bon Appetit will be served."


"Fall Festival at the Penn Garden” Sponsored by Penn Garden Penn Garden (West side of Rodin College House, 3900 block of Locust Walk) 12:00-4:00pm Description: "Stop by throughout the afternoon for a local lunch, apples and hot apple cider. Help us paint a permanent sign for the garden, plant garlic and learn more about urban agriculture!"

You can RSVP to any of these events by sending an email to Foxleadership@upenn.edu.
