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Commentary Presented With Commentary


We value interaction with our readers above all else, and to commemorate this invaluable bond, we're bringing you another installment of Commentary Presented With Commentary. This week, we take a look at what our public thinks about high-profile arrests and cheap technology - we even get to hear a German perspective on things.

Big news, guys: we got a celebrity comment this week! The Comment From On High award goes to "Steve Jobs" himself, who was so thrilled to hear news of $100 netbooks at CVS that he exposed himself as a non-fan of Apple's sleek designs. Seriously, you guys - Steve Jobs said this:

"great, now i can chuck my fugtastic macbook pro"

The medal for Excellence in Coincidental Comedic Commenting goes to "Hahaha," who provided us with some  deeply insightful food for thought.  Upon hearing of Wiz Khalifa's arrest, Hahaha drew a striking parallel to some current events that struck close to home:

"Name two people that were arrested over last weekend that will be at Penn this weekend?

Rapper Whiz Khalifa and IFC President Christian Lunoe"

Finally, this weeks' honorary trophy for Excessive ESL Flattery goes to our new best friend "potenzmittel deutschland." While browsing the archives for our ranking of Halloween costumes spotted around campus, potenzmittel was so awestruck that he/she dribbled forth with this emotional outpouring:

"Wow! what an idea ! What a concept ! Beautiful .. Amazing …"

If your comment didn't make it this week, tough titties. Try harder. Maybe someone will win a prize if they really impress us. [Ed. note: BEEPBEEPBEEP, please come back - your comments are easily the most phenomenal we've ever read.]
