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Get Ye To A Polling Station


Hear ye, hear ye - tomorrow is election day, and if you don't know where you're supposed to be voting, it's time to find out. We've got a list of college houses and their corresponding polling stations for those who reside on campus (and, weirdly, ZBT and the Radian) so you can plan your day around making a quick detour to cast your ballot. Off-campus dwellers: visit this site and enter your address to find out where you're supposed to vote.

A warning: you must vote based on the address where you are most recently registered. For example, if you live on campus, got registered in one college house, and have since moved to another, you have to go to the polling station that corresponds with your initial registration. The same goes for those who live off-campus - go to the polling station that corresponds with the address at which you were most recently registered. Got it? Great!

See the full list of polling stations after the jump.

Kings Court/English House and Sansom Place East/West: Penn Center for Rehabilitation and Care, 3609 Chestnut St.

Hamilton Court and the Radian: Penn Center for Rehabilitation and Care, 3609 Chestnut St.

Dubois College House and Rodin College House: Steinberg-Dietrich Hall, 3620 Locust Walk

Hill College House: David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 209 S. 33rd St.

Gregory College House and Harrison College House: Harrison College House, 3910 Irving St.

Harnwell College House and Mayer Hall/ZBT: Harnwell College House

The Quad and Stouffer College House: Houston Hall, 3417 Spruce St.

Also, be sure to check out the DP's map of polling stations.
