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Nightingales, Assemble!


Yesterday, a group of nursing seniors plagued by senior society rejection sent out the following email to their fellow senior nurses. In all honesty, it deserves to speak for itself. Without any further ado, the email:

Hello class of 2011!
Has anyone noticed the flash-graffiti all over campus advertising that "tapping" has begun? Ever looked longingly at the hastily scribbled FRIARS or MB on your way down Locust? Well, we can't offer you that, but we are looking for senior first time undergraduates in the class of 2011 who are interested in helping us start the nursing school's first senior society, Nightingales!
We will hold an interest meeting in room 214 on Wednesday, November 17 at 12 noon. All who are interested are welcome!
Yipes. Our response is after the jump (in list form!)
1. Way late, guys.
2. Looking "longingly at the hastily scribbled FRIARS or MB on your way down Locust" might be signs of a greater psychological issue - for instance, full-blown sociopathy.
a. Also, "Nightingale" has too many letters to be "hastily scribbled." If you're serious about this, it would behoove you to consider a different name.
3. You can't offer the "senior society experience?"
a. What, even, is that?
b. What, then, is the point?
4. We're pretty sure that the existing senior societies don't exclude nurses, so what gives?
5. Whatever, though - if you can't make it, fake it? Go for the gold, shoot for the stars, live your weird dream!
