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STREET Presents the JOKE ISSUE: 1934 Brings us Hobos and Hoes


Times are tough these days. Breadlines are longer than ever and even though shantytowns are where all the rebels hang out, we're really missing four walls and a roof. Damn. Anywho, this week Street attempts to brighten your day and show you the joys of this depressing life! Deal or New Deal?

In reality, Hoovervilles aren't that bad. You can find love (and syphilis) there. Pinky promise. But have no fear, we caught up with Eleanor Roosevelt who drunkenly divulged her family recipe for Jell–O salad — it involves lots and lots of mayo.

But what we're all wondering is what the HECK will our beloved Pennsyl–vain–i–a look like in 2010?! Here are our guesses. We can ponder these and other philosophical thoughts while listening to big (and small) band music. Oh yeah, and Hollywood is gay.

Philly is just booming with fun characters these days. Lenny the Cabbie discusses famous art... in common man speak. So it makes sense, you know? But he lost his dame to some a–hole with a Charlie Chaplin mustache.

Ugh, when will this horrid year be over? Oh right, in January. See you then, suckas!
