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Commentary Presented With Commentary


Welcome back, commenters! It was a short week, yes, but you did the best you could with what little material you had. Below, we explore an infiltration from Dartmouth and contemplate strategies for listserv bullshit deflection.

A particularly creative student from Dartmouth (commenter alias: 'Dartmouth') had this to say about our special edition New Balance's:

"Penn, sorry to burst your bubble, but your new balance shoes= NOT CUTE. They’re not ugly, but you don’t have the juice to talk about Dartmouth. At least green is a bit more original than beigeish."
Them's fightin' words, my friend! We may not have much by the way of juice, but we're scrappy, and scrappy always wins in a fight. You made an especially poor decision by using your real e-mail address, so prepare to be added to the UTB listserv and tips line. They're both really annoying.

The award for comment of the week goes to a great thinker mysteriously named 'LA.' After receiving one more "Welcome Back To School" rap than was necessary (get it? Because that type of thing is never necessary), 'LA' channeled his/her irritation into a productive policy solution:

"every time youshaei sends us an email, the entire sophomore class should respond to him, individually. if its a rap, each person should email him back a critique."
We are so in favor of this it hurts. If there's anything that puts a stop to poorly executed creative pursuits, it's feedback.

Until next time, keep leaving comments. Otherwise you won't be in the running for comment of the week! And that would be a shame.
