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Do You Hear What I Hear?


Do you live near the 38th Street construction?  Are you tired of sleepless nights due to flashing lights and unbearably loud jackhammering (noise ordinances, anyone…)?  Is the chance of being swept away by a swampy street-river tomorrow morning (a careless mistake made because this construction is happening AT NIGHT) too scary to handle?

Your College House has your back!  Apparently, Penn's College House Staff has tried to play nice and talk with Philly Gas Works, the company in charge of the construction project, but PGW  hasn't been cooperating.  Now, they have called on students and anyone else pissed about the construction to join the fight and complain too. Find out what you can do to help after the jump:

According to various Penn College House websites and email messages:

“This construction is scheduled to last the entire semester, but PGW is not giving University officials a clear schedule of the work…If you a resident, parent, student journalist, or student government member and you want additional information, we recommend contacting Cameron Kline of PGW directly at 215-684-6624.”

We’re all for sticking it to the man, so go ahead and give Cameron Kline a call (or ten calls) and tell him what is up.  Make some noise (just not during quiet hours) so everyone can sleep again.
