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People Who Went To Penn: Anil Ambani


Dropping on the Forbes list of billionaires from #6 in 2007 to #36 in 2010 (oh, awkward...) is Penn's very own Anil Ambani.

Ambani graduated from Wharton's MBA program, inherited Papa's multi-gajillion dollar company, and after a little spat with his brother, managed to make a name for himself as one of India's most influential businessmen.

Also, in 2003, he won India's MTV Youth Icon of the Year Award, so you know he's legit.

Despite becoming the bigshot that he is today and marrying Bollywood hottie Tina Munim, Ambani likes to remind us at Penn that he's still that same Anil that we once exchanged awkward nods with on Locust; he's not only on the Board of Overseers at Wharton, but he's also the guy who donated that ginormous auditorium on the ground level of Huntsman (and dedicated it to aforementioned Papa).
