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People Who Went To Penn: Van Toffler

What do you and the president of MTV have in common? Besides wasting endless hours catching up on Teen Mom and I Used To Be Fat, you both respect the Quaker.  After graduating from our law school in 1983, Van Toffler began working at the law firm Kaye Scholer and handled cases such as the sale of the Beatles catalog to Michael Jackson.  Despite this success, he grew tired of his job and wrote a letter to MTV asking for a job (this actually works?) in the legal department.

Toffler began working on shows like Punk’d and Beavis and Butthead, which he’s currently planning to bring back. He eventually helped to form MTV Films, the film division that produced such gems as Election, Jackass: The Movie and our favorite classic, Napolean Dynamite. As president, he now supervises MTV, MTV2, VH1, CMT and Logo and is responsible for controlling all of our study free time. One question for Toffler: if we send a letter your way, can you score us a summer internship?
