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MeepMe Gets Offended, Hacks 34st.com Poll


Some weird things happened today to a seemingly trivial Highbrow poll on 34st.com. First, within a few hours there were over 1,000 votes for who is having the "Worst Week Ever," curiously skewed for each of the three options besides MeepMe, the "flirting app" run by this guy. Then there were 33,000 votes and change, 11k each for, again, every other choice but MeepMe. To top it all off, the vast majority of said votes were from a random location in Stuart, Florida. Which, you know, seems to be where the MeepMe server is located.

Perhaps it goes without saying, but we think maybe you MeepMe folk could use your technical expertise for something better than hacking meaningless internet polls. Like making MeepMe not suck so much.
