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It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

JEROME A. POLLOS/Press Televisions at the Kootenai County transfer station in Coeur d'Alene have become a hot commodity for thieves. County officials located a stash of television near the perimeter fence at the transfer station recently.

For economical college students, that is. This Saturday is the annual PennMOVES Sale, where Penn has partnered with Goodwill to stage a flea market and sell you all the insane crap Penn students have generously donated at the end of the school year for CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP! Yes, there is a way to get secondhand stuff without diving in a dumpster.

The sale takes place June 4th from 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. at 3401 Grays Ferry Avenue, and Penn Transit is offering free shuttle service every 30 minutes between any of its normal on-campus stops and the sale site. BUT WAIT!!! If you're as dedicated to discounts as this lady, you'll want to pay $5 for ~*EARLY BIRD ADMISSION*~ and begin the bargain-hunting at 8 A.M. to make sure you snatch up all the best ish before the masses descend like locusts and devour every item in sight.

Gather your friends. Stop at PNC (because it's cash only). Draw up your plan of attack. Keep your eyes on the prizes. And SHOW. NO. MERCY. That shoddy refrigerator with a mysterious stain in the fruit crisper has your name all over it and you must stop at nothing to acquire your target.
