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We're Not Sure What Art Is, But This Is Convincing


It's no secret that the dudes and damsels of the 19th century were the snarky pranksters of the art world. While shoot offs, naked picnics and drinking games may initially come to mind when reminiscing back on (that cute boy you sat next to during) AP World History, a featured exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art is here to remind you just how much old school style rules (and help you forget how much the painful sting of adolescent rejection drools).

The exhibit, which runs until July 31st, showcases endearingly campy advertisements depicting a wide array of medical topics, including everything from mary jane (pictured right) to bile beans. As if that's not alluring enough, the exhibit was also featured in the New York Times, so, like, this is a big deal guys!

Yes, you could spend that $20 on 19 bags of pretzel M&M's from Wawa, but this will give you at least six minutes of conversational fluff the next time you're stuck in a sinking sandpit of awkward. Don't forget to pray to the porcelain god while you're there!
