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Name That Space


There are many creative outlets into which Penn students thrust themselves. Writing, performing, finding ways to fit a grill in your pocket--you get the idea. While these things are, yes, totally fulfilling and wonderful excuses to draft 17 versions of your Emmy acceptance speech for a supporting role as an underappreciated Whartonite who can't operate a can of whipped cream (see 1:43), some outlets have been left untapped by the Quaker touch.

Enter--University City District's contest to "Name Philadelphia's Next Great Public Space!". The "public space" is the area surrounding 30th Street Station, which was recently renovated as part of a PennDOT project. The contest is running through September 30th, and the grand prize is a $500 gift certificate to Amtrak! Choo choo.

The contest rules require you to submit your suggested name for the space, reasons for the suggested name (no more than 150 words) and your name/phone number/email. A sample entry might look a little something like this:

  • Suggested Name for Public Space: 30th Street Playstation
  • Reasons for the suggested name: Because we really miss Crash. Blah blah, synergy!
  • Your name: Ivonna Tinkle (he he he)
  • Phone Number: (215) 867-5309
  • Email: benfranklinisstillalive1790@hotmail.com
Don't be *that* guy who's still living vicariously through his 2007 high school tennis team's sectional championship. Win this contest, and not only will you have brand new bragging rights, but you'll also be one step closer to becoming the (k)next Knope! And that's never, ever a bad thing.
