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Five Foods For Fall

It's October. Like, September is officially over. What! And while the passage of time is happening a little too quickly for some of us (hey seniors), it does spell one marvelous thing: fall. In addition to the standard pretty leaves and crisp weather, here are a couple on-campus reasons to smile.

Cider Pumpkin Bisque at White Dog

Fall = fall clothing = feeling classier = let's go to White Dog. Their cider pumpkin bisque is a must if you're willing to spend a little more on soup. Ditch ABP on a day you've got class down campus and go for the gold. Or orange. Or whatever color pumpkin bisque is.

Honey Gelato at Capogiro

Luckily, fall means we're not too frigid for something cold! Rosh Hashanah may be over, but honey-flavored things are still the bomb.

Nacho Burger at Bobby's Burger Palace

Yeah, we don't quite get the whole nacho-fall connection, but like, yum.

Salted Caramel Mocha at Starbucks

Pumpkin Spice Lattes are soooo 2007. The latest in the trio of fall drinks is really tasty if you don't mind the calories. And bursarability just somehow makes things taste better.

Elysian Night Owl Pumpkin Ale at Local 44

This weather is seriously perfect for a nice stroll to Local 44 for their fall-themed beer options. This is brewed with actual pumpkin in it! That's nuts! Is that how they always make pumpkin beer? So cool.
