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What's HapPENNing?

Ah, Thanksgiving Break... Turkey leaking a steady drip of tryptophan into your system, all the women fighting in the kitchen over who gets which leftovers, the boys crowded around the TV catching the big synchronized swim meet, and Aunt Lisa passed out on the couch.

But first, a half-week's worth of things happening on campus:

UA Airport Shuttles Who: The Undergraduate Assembly When & Where: Tuesday and Wednesday, Upper Quad Gate Why: If you have to ask, you must live in New York.

Penn Ballet Breakfast Fundraiser Who: Penn Ballet When & Where: Monday through Wednesday, 9-11a.m. on Locust Walk Why: Because you'd rather sleep those extra 15 minutes in the morning than make yourself breakfast.

Mediocre Weather Who: The weatherman. When & Where: All week, Philadelphia. Why: The gods have deemed it so.
