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Finals Are Over, Huzzah!


Unless you're one of those unlucky souls who's forced to stick around for that dreaded 6-8 last finals time slot (which, by the way, we're really sorry– that's awful), you're done with your semester!

Congratulations! This semester's been a wild and crazy ride. We lost a few along the way, but we've got a lot to look forward to: the holiday season, Spring Fling and the end of the world in 2012. Hooray! Just as you head home to take a break from school, we'll be taking a bit of a break over here at UTB. But don't worry, we'll still be posting, so continue to check back. And remember to keep tipping us with our handy tips box above or at our tips line: tips[at]underthebutton.com.

Have a great break and see you in 2012!
