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What's HapPENNing?

Today is Monday, February 20th, 2012, which is PRESIDENTS' DAY! Make sure to take a moment out of your busy schedule to present your sacrificial offerings and kowtow in front of the Walnut street residence of Her Highness, She of the Golden Locks, Amy Gutmann.

Red Giants Rocks Out At Smoke's Who: Red Giants When and where: Today, 11 p.m.-2 a.m.; Smoke's Why: The Facebook event touts the group's "new music and new members," which are two rad enough reasons to head over to Smoke's later. Check out the band's snazzy new website, featuring– WARNING: MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER TO PROCEED– some gal Déjeuner sur l'herbe-ing.

7-Up On Isolation Who: Kelly Writers House When and where: Thursday, 6 p.m.; Arts Café at the Kelly Writers House Why: This week's 7-Up is part of an ongoing series of events at the Kelly Writers House featuring seven different speakers talking on a subject for seven minutes. This week's topic is (you guessed it) isolation, and you'll get to hear some neato talks by Al Filreis (on Emily Dickinson) and Rolling Stone and NYT writer Anthony DeCurtis (on Joy Division!). Count us in.

ASB Quizzo Who: Alternative Spring Break When and where: Friday, 7-10 p.m.; Bodek Lounge (Houston Hall 1st floor) Why: You're probably pretty tired of your usual weekly Quizzo quests at (insert your favorite campus bar here), so why not try this one out? Bring some friends and $5 and win some nifty prizes like a Smoke's bar tab or a Sweetgreen gift certificate! And the money you'll be spending goes towards funding Penn's Alternate Spring Break volunteering trips, which is doubly awesome.

Without a Net Presents: Ke$ha In The Rye Who: Without a Net When and where: Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Class of '49 Auditorium (Houston Hall 2nd floor) Why: Alright, we'll be honest: we've got a massive crush on this criminally under-appreciated improv comedy troupe. Their new show runs twice this week on Friday and Saturday under the sick title "Ke$ha in the Rye." Do you need any other reason to go? Tickets are $5 on the Walk and $7 at the door.

The People's Conference Who: The Institute of Contemporary Art (as part of the People's Biennial at Haverford College) When and where: Saturday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; the ICA (36th and Sansom) Why: The People's Conference is part of the larger People's Biennial, currently taking place at Haverford College a few miles down the road. Superstars Jens Hoffmann and Harrell Fletcher will be there, in addition to the usual greats over at the ICA. Check it out to learn more about regional art that exists outside the mainstream art world!
