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8 Reasons To Watch The Graduation Videos

You're sitting at home during the most awkward three weeks of your life. Your internship hasn't started yet, and there's only so many more times you can leaf through "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" and your high school yearbook. So sit back, break out the Penn Alumni sweatshirt, and enjoy your grad vids. As if you need any more urging, we present you with a list of reasons to relive your last 15 minutes as a Quaker.

8) Amy's charge to the graduates of "You do nothing by half-measure—including your celebrating!" applies to you a little bit too much, considering you can't remember her telling you this when she first said it.

7) When she practically shouts that the '12ers "overcome adversity—with the help of your friends!" you wonder what else she does with a little help from her friends.

6) You watched everything else on YouTube during finals...and you want to procrastinate entering the real world.

5) Amy gives shoutouts to all-stars including: Napoleon, Wikipedia, Zack Rosen, Apple, and—gasp!—Ben Franklin.

4) You don't believe that Geoffrey Canada actually spoke. (But props for reading the DP!)

3) You like being told that your graduation is a "great moment for our country."

2) You kinda missed it all because you were stuck in the bathroom line. At the Barnard graduation.

1) Goldman blocks YouTube.
