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Stars: They're Just Like Penn Students


Oh yes, that's right. Your eyes do not deceive you. This on-again-off-again feature's back. (Just like Chris Brown and Rihanna.) And if you're the type of person who's taking full advantage of autumn's "sweater weather" to show off your extensive scarf collection, then it's back just for you, ya big diva.

Here's this week's round of uncanny celeb similarities.

They hook up with freshmen: At one of her concerts this week, singer Carrie Underwood bestowed a first kiss on Chase, a 12-year-old fan. It was really, super cute. But unlike you, Carrie didn't have to walk-o'-shame from Hill the morning after. So maybe next time you'll think before you...hook up with a freshman.

They play Words with Friends: The craze surrounding this game has mellowed out, but we bet you wouldn't mind reviving the friendly competition if it meant playing a round with Jon Hamm. Tina Fey apparently wouldn't either. Just as long as he's not one of those people who drops words like "QAID" or "ZAX." But seriously, fuck you.

It wasn’t them: An old photo of 18-year-old Brooke Shields smoking pot recently surfaced on the interwebs, but Brooke’s rep was quick to take a page out of Shaggy’s book. “It wasn’t her.” We’ve all been there. “Hey, did you leave the door open all night?” “Why are there Starburst wrappers all over the floor?” “Did you have a threesome in my bed?” DENY, DENY, DENY.

They're not really in the mood to be pregnant right now: Responding to nagging Jewish mothers everywhere, Jay-Z let it be known that he and Beyonce don't plan to have any more kids any time soon. The attendants over at the CVS register on 43rd and Locust say they get that same vibe from Penn students every Sunday morning.

And just like you, what makes stars most like Penn students is that they, well, go to Penn! Duh. Well, that is, technically. But the point is BETHENNY FRANKEL WAS AT PENN. This week. She went here. In the most basic sense. Just like that time you visited your high school valedictorian at Harvard. You went to Harvard.  (Just don't put it on your resume. They get huffy about that.) Update: Pictures here.
