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Wanna Write For UTB? Come Hang Out With Us!


What, you think writing for a blog is FUN? You think it's a GOOD OLE TIME? You think it's all SEX and PRESS PASSES and POWER SUITS and HAIRAGAMI? Well, IT KIND OF IS. Kind of. We'll wait as you pick and choose whichever of those things you find most appealing before you continue reading.

So, you want to write for glammiest of all the blogs in Bloggywood, Under the Button? Good news: we're looking for a new team of the funniest, wittiest and insanely weirdest kids at Penn to join our staff as contributors for the upcoming semester! If you're familiar with the QWERTY keyboard and have never, ever used the adverb "casually," we'd love to get tipsy with you this Thursday, September 13th, at 4015 Walnut at 6:00 p.m. We'll tell you more about how UTB works and the ways you can get involved over the next few months over some beers. Although everyone is invited, we strongly prefer freshmen, sophomores and juniors over seniors.

Can't make it this Thursday? Shoot us an email and we'll contact you. And remember: FREE BEER.
