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Penn Gives Cash For (Best) Books


You've always been different. While other people cultivated "friendships" and had "experiences," your bookshelf grew heavier and heavier with volumes about people who did those things. Folks said to you, HEY, WOW, you have a lot of books! Thanks to a senior award at Penn, your book problem could all pay off real soon.

The Charles W. Burr Prize, which we all get emailed about every now and then, is a $750 award to the senior with the best book collection. If your selection was thoughtful, if you strove for variety, and (importantly) if you didn't just buy them all as required reading for your classes, you're eligible to win. So if you poo-poo the idea of a lending library, click here (under the awards tab) and get working on your list. Conversely, start buying great books off Amazon like a fiend; as long as your receipt comes in under $750, PROFIT!
