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Penn Law's Own PresiDescendant


Theodore Roosevelt was the coolest-ever American president.  He went skinny dipping in the Potomac, was the first President to leave the country while in office, had a killer moustache, and inspired the teddy bear. Also, he once got shot in the chest while giving a speech, and FINISHED THE SPEECH before seeking medical aid. No wonder we put that gangsta on Mount Rushmore.

Today is Presidents' Day, and while none of us will get a chance to meet Teddy himself, we've got the next best thing. Kermit Roosevelt III is a Penn Law professor and T.R's great-great-great-grandson. He specializes in constitutional law, has represented a Guantanamo detainee, and is also a novelist. (Dreamy!) K.R. has quite the legacy to live up to, but we're predicting big things. Though let's be honest---he could really stand to grow a moustache.
