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Plug Into Penn [Dis]Connects


Heya, whatcha doin' on 4/20? Right right, besides that.
Okay, well how 'bout you check out Penn [Dis]Connects? It's a student-run, totally grassroots (read: uber-hippie) event to be held on Saturday, April 20th devoted to getting groups of students "to pledge to turn off their phones and computers for the day and instead just do fun activities together, fully present, technology-free."
The goal of Penn [Dis]Connects is to experientially realize the value that comes from being conscientious about the way we use technology and how it impacts our engagement with the people and world around us.
Bla bla bla. Wanna save the last bit of data on your phone plan? Wanna hang out with your friends instead of chatting up that St. Joe's kid on Tinder? Wanna join a giant sunset potluck on College Green (unconfirmed) where no one will be instagramming their food or texting their moms? Then hit up Penn [Dis]Connects, which you can (somewhat ironically) find on Facebook, Twitter and GMail. Pledge online today!
