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8 More Tips For Healthy Finals


We're halfway through! Or maybe you're having your first final tomorrow. Or maybe you're done and already home? (If this is the case, we're jealous.)

No matter what level of panic or relaxation you're in, you could use a study break. Here are some tips to help you stay sane--no, seriously we're trying to help! Not enough? Check out last semester's list here. Current list after the jump!

  1. Keep some brain food on hand for late night studying. A box of Krispy Kremes before your 3 hour “nap” before your 9AM exam will lead to some pretty effed-up dreams. And grades.

  2. Actually log out of your Facebook. Don’t just close the tab. If you don’t have the willpower to do that, then...

  3. Get Self Control/Stay Focused/whatever you need to keep web browsing limited. This is one of those cases where there’s an app for that and you should actually use it.

  4. Get a study buddy. Because two heads are better than one and you can’t casually hook up with yourself during study breaks...I mean, what?

  5. Recruit the smartest kid in your class to study with/mooch off of. By now, chances are that you haven’t studied as much as you should have and this is the best you can do. Maybe some of the genius will rub off on you.

  6. A Penn study has shown that if you’re going to end up getting less than 4 hours of sleep, it’s psychologically equivalent to just stay awake the whole night.

  7. Water is your best friend. Puppies ain’t so bad either. If you missed the Civic House study break, head down to the adoption agency yourself!

  8. Keep things in perspective - summer is right around the corner! It’s worth it to put in the work now so you can frolic all summer on the beach guilt-free.
