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What's HapPENNing

For all those good little Penn students everywhere setting up their Google calendars for the week: we sift through all those Facebook invites so you don't have to! Speaking of annoying invitations, you're welcome.

Today-Friday: PoCo's Political Action Week A whole week of politics!

Tuesday: Warby Parker Founder & CEO Speaker Event You'll probably be as disappointed as we were to find out his name isn't actually Warby.

Wednesday: AXO's Big Man On Campus For just $10 you can watch some junior hunks of meat guys shake it for charity! 8PM at the Roxxy.

Wednesday: The Elements of Professionalism: Symposium on Professional Development Mad depressing but like... jobs and future and stuff.

Thursday-Saturday: Penn Singers Presents Thoroughly Modern Millie Singing, dancing, etc.

SaturdayHugs and Kisses Fashion Show and D2S Fashion Show One's for charity, and one has VIP gift bags. Moral dilemma.
