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Don't Be That Couple: V-Day No-Nos


Happy V-day, all! Whether you've planned out your Friday from morning (breakfast in bed) through evening (other stuff in bed), or if you're scrambling for a box of chocolates minutes before she wakes up, read our step-by-step guide to being that obnoxious couple on campus. Yes, that one. 

1. Walk into CVS. Ask loudly where the Family Planning section is.

2. Plan your family.

3. Debate strawberry flavor vs. glow in the dark.

4. Revert back to the creativity of your eight-year-old birthday card-writing self and post an acrostic on your significant other's wall:



Really good

And fun


6. Mupload Cupload a picture of you two at the LOVE Statue #truelove #lame.

7. Play Quizzo together. Name your team of two something to the tune of Brangelina or Kimye.

8. Make dinner reservations--under your man's name.

9. Wear matching Lululemon to the gym.

10. Propose.
