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Your OCR Guide, With Some Help From Top Hits Of The 90's


Congrats, Freshmen! You've finished your post-high school summer full of "Relevant" "Experience" and are ready to dust off the lady pants just in time for today's Career Fair. Here's your guide to OCR, filled with advice from our favorite 90's top hits (were you even born yet?):

1) " Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner"

Talk about your leadership skillz. "As camp counselor, I proactively implemented a synergistic and dynamic detail-oriented basketball tournament for twelve of my campers." And I did it alone, without a partner.

2) " There are many things that I would love to say to you but I don't know how"

You're schmoozing the recruiter when you discover that he is also from South Jersey and loves Springsteen just like you do! It's the perfect moment to hand him your business card, complete with a personalized logo, when you channel Oasis and remember that a simple resume will do.

3) " I think about it every night and day, I spread my wings and fly away"

You skipped your first two CIS110 classes because you were founding a startup. You barely made it to the career fair because you were launching a beta version before breakfast. Before you fly away to Silicon Valley (or, you know, consulting) for the rest of your life, remember to offer your recruiter some free startup swag. 

4) " I get knocked down, but I get up again"

Mention how resilient you are, even in the face of adversity: "So, like, I got rejected from M&T but was accepted to Wharton, so now I'm an uncoordinated dual degree." Just make sure you don't give your recruiter an excuse to knock you out.

5) " Give me a sign. Hit me, baby, one more time"

Britney was spot on. Be sure to email the company representative one more time after the career fair. Phone calls? So 1990. LinkedIn requests? Only if you're interviewing with Jeff Weiner. Facebook requests? Only if the recruiter gives you a *sign*.
