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There's A New, Gun-Shy Sheriff At Penn Design

From Texas, the state that brought you Vanilla Ice, and Ted Cruz (The Zodiac Killer?), comes our new dean of the School of Design. Just a few days ago, our glorious leader Amy Gutmann announced that Frederick Steiner is locked and loaded to take the reigns this summer. 

Steiner is a real straight shooter and was the dean of the School of Architecture at UT Austin. He bit the bullet and came to Penn chiefly due to the passing of "campus carry" laws in Texas that would allow students with concealed handgun licenses to carry handguns in classrooms. 

It's not quite clear what the problem is. UT Austin has it great. We can't ride Hoverboards without a helmet but they get to carry .45s! It just seems unfair. We've really shot ourselves in the foot.
