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Young Money Flash Money

(11/13/14 3:32pm)

Recently, we were delighted to find one Wharton student forgoing the bank to store his hard-earned cash somewhere a little closer to his – heart? It seems that Wharton now has so much money that students are having to resort to new and creative ways of disposing of it, namely wearing it underneath their salmon colored shorts. On the other hand, at least this guy was able to keep tabs on the state of his undergarments, which we can't say as much about certain Hill residents. We applaud this young man for his ingenuity, because there's no better way to simultaneously show off your wealth and love for Benny Frank than to flash those Benjamins every time you sit down to check how your stocks are doing. 

Let's Talk About SOTS

(11/11/14 9:13pm)

It seems lately Penn students are out on a mission to prove just how little they care about student government. However, the Nominations and Elections Committee took it to a new level by proving that Penn students also have a deep lack of understanding about how acronyms work. You mean the number of letters and words are supposed to match up? On the bright side, at least we're polite enough to ask before we curse. Maybe we should check out Penn Student Government's State of the School TOMORROW at 7 p.m. Still not convinced? Thousands of people are invited on Facebook, which means it will be like Madeon minus the urine plus dessert. 

Polly Wants A Crack At Living Healthy

(10/22/14 4:29pm)

Penn Vets at Ryan Hospital have graced us with an emotional roller coaster of a story that rivals the likes of The Fault in Our Stars. Recently, they operated on nine-year-old Bocelli, an African-Grey parrot, and assured him a second chance at living a fulfilling bird-life. Not content to parrot the techniques of other hospitals, Dr. Dana Clarke used a laser inserted into Bocelli’s throat to cut away scar tissue that made it hard for cutie to breathe. 

Locust Flaikus

(10/17/14 3:29pm)

There's nothing we love more than being assaulted welcomed back from fall break by the overenthusiastic flyerers that grace Locust Walk. But if you're looking to battle post-break blues, fatten up for the upcoming winter hibernation, or lose that fall break home-cooked-food weight, we've got you covered. If you're lucky, you might even get to pet some puppies:

We're A Little Strung Out

(09/22/14 4:31pm)

The infamous tampon strings have officially been removed and their menstrual mystery solved. It turns out there was a magnet on the strings so that they could be attached without the prankster having to climb up the sculpture's side, an act of ingenuity worthy of Penn Apps. Although we're sad to see this welcome addition to our campus go, we're not too broken up about it. We know we'll see it again around this time next month.
