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Your Weekly Daily Pennsylvanian Quote

(04/17/12 3:04pm)

The DP recently featured this article about Wharton sophomore and "serial entrepreneur" Bradley Foster. Considering he already owns a hotel, restaurant, computer repair company and several other businesses, we're not sure why he hasn't yet pulled a Bill Gates and peaced out, Wharton, especially after stating the following: I could take insurance whatever class at Wharton, or my hotel could just burn and I could learn a really quick lesson about insurance. Let's do the math. We will assume that it takes eight hours for your basic Sheraton to combust, compared to the 14 weeks in a semester with approximately three hours of class a week for your run of the mill "insurance whatever" class. Does this kid have a time machine? Or just a really, really huge ego hotel?

Acapell-Uhhh...This Is Awkward

(04/06/12 4:01pm)

It's sweet that the Penny Loafers are down to recycle and all, but maybe they should have waited one more year. As you can see above, for their spring show, the Penny Loafers have quite blatantly repeated show title "I'd Hit That...Note," one that the Pennchants and Quaker Notes shared for their combo show back in 2008. Is this going to stir up a rumble? A-ca-drama? To find out, see the Penny Loafers show this weekend slash the Pennchants show on April 20th and 21st.

SPEC Connaissance Presents: Dr. Sanjay Gupta

(03/19/12 2:25pm)

Sanjay Gupta, M.D., both neurosurgeon and Emmy-award winning chief medical correspondent for CNN, is coming to Penn on April 3rd to speak in Irvine Auditorium at 8 p.m. Reason you should go: Dr. Gupta can do no wrong. In addition to the aforementioned positions he holds, President Obama offered Gupta the position of Surgeon General and he was named on People's 2003 list of sexiest men. And the list goes on. Mother of pearl this man is an HSOC major's wet dream.

(03/13/12 2:30pm)

Bye Bye, Bursar -- Seniors received a heart-wrenching e-mail yesterday, in which they were informed that the last day to bursar items is March 31. If it's any sort of consolation (it's not), PennCash will still be available, so, seniors, we advise you to bursar some PennCash dollaz before time runs out.

Your Weekly Daily Pennsylvanian Quote

(02/28/12 4:09pm)

Sophomore Rachel del Valle's "Duly Noted" column this week discussed her propensity for fitting music into every aspect of her life. In fact, she quite literally explains her music selection for even the most mundane experiences: I’d be folding laundry and think, “Wouldn’t this be so much better with some Frank Sinatra?” I’d be buttering toast and imagine how good Belle & Sebastian would sound combined with the scraping of the knife...Brushing my teeth? I’m going to need some Hall & Oates to make the Crest go down smoother. We'd be lying to say we've never done the same (such a toast song!), but this perfectly demonstrates why we keep iPods in our pockets and Spotify profiles on private.

Shutterbutton: Go DJ, That's My DJ

(02/22/12 3:19pm)

"What's up everybody? This is your man DJ [adjective] [noun] here at WXPN shoutin' out on the airwaves. The year is 1952 and there is pretty much nothing historically noteworthy going on in the world right now. WXPN is taking requests all night, so I can guarantee some Doris Day and Nat King Cole will coming your way in just a few minutes! Stay tuned and stay classy, Pennsylvania. Unst unst unst."

People Who Went To Penn: William Henry Harrison

(02/21/12 3:58am)

In honor of Presidents' Day, we present you with someone who barely manages to pass as the only Penn grad who was also president: Donald Trump William Henry Harrison. Not only did President Harrison fail to complete his medical degree at Philadelphia's finest institution (he lasted just one year), but due to a fatal bout of pneumonia, Harrison only lasted 32 days into his presidential term (Yo, that guy John Tyler? He says thanks).

Get At These Magic Berries, For Charity

(02/07/12 4:18pm)

Ever heard of magic berries? You know, the kind of berries that make sour foods taste sweet, as if by magic, but really by chemistry? We'll venture a guess that if you have heard of them, you've always wanted to give them a whirl. This Friday at 4 p.m. in Huntsman 270, the BBB Society is hosting a Magic Berries Charity Event, marking what we bet is one of the first times you'll be able to simultaneously promote a good cause while screwing around with your taste buds.

--> This Crave Sign Looks Ridiculous

(02/06/12 7:24pm)

If sign-age aesthetics said anything about venue quality, then Crave would be joining MarBar in 40th and Walnut bar heaven sooner than you can say "Dinner and a movie, please." But despite the 6th-grade-girl doodles on their sign (and seriously, who makes "a"s like that anymore?), the local PA brews do actually make this seem like an enticing stop for those looking to mix up their bar scene a bit.
