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Embarrassing: Penn Has 18% of the Total Break Days That Cornell Does

(03/21/17 9:06pm)

After the DP published a story about how short Penn's mid-semester breaks are how that may affect mental health on campus, we at UTB decided to do some digging. We checked the academic calendars of all the other Ivy League schools (yes, Cornell is an Ivy) to see how Penn's breaks stack up with those of its peers. The numbers, below, are shocking. These numbers do not include summer break.

Penn Sprint Football Disrespects The Troops By Winning National Championship

(10/31/16 7:20pm)

They really crossed the line this time. Penn Sprint football confirmed rumors of their disrespect for our troops this past Saturday when they clinched the National Championship title with a victory over Cornell, putting Penn's record at 6-0. Their next game is against Post University, a for-profit school with an 0-6 record.
