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If All Else Fails, Sue Your College

(08/03/09 9:03pm)

It's a tough job market these days, but some college grads are refusing to accept their fates. According to Huff Po via the AP, Trina Thompson is suing Monroe College because the school's Office of Career Advancement "hasn't provided her with the leads and career advice it promises." She is suing for $70,000, the amount she paid in tuition because she's been unable to find a job since she received her information technology degree at the Brooklyn school. Meanwhile, the Monroe insists her charges are without merit. We're excited to see how this case plays out!

Mark Sanford May Be Smarter Than We Thought, Sez Penn Prof

(07/02/09 2:08pm)

According to Daily Intel, Linguistics prof Mark Liberman has been trying to decode the statements of South Carolina's scandal-ridden governor, Mark Sanford. Daily Intel writes: "For instance, Liberman suggests that when Sanford talked about 'doing stupid,' he may have been channeling the New International Version of the Bible — which refers to 'doing good' and 'doing wrong' — when he nominalized the adjective."

Why On This Night Are There Six Different Seders?

(04/08/09 9:05pm)

Mom and dad don't love you enough to pay for your shlep home for Passover? You happen to be at a university that sometimes defines "diversity" as "more than one kind of Jewish person." Don't be overwhelmed by all the options; we break it down for you here. This year in Philadelphia, next year in Jerusalem! (Why not travel? It's not like you'll have a job...)

Guster's Not Gonna Write You A Love Song. Unless They Do?

(04/05/09 4:08pm)

When SPEC announced that Guster would open for Akon at Fling, some Penn students were up in arms. But it looks like we at Penn may get something special out of the deal, like, say, a song written especially for us. This expectation is not unprecedented -- Guster performed a song about Penn State for our stateside friends during an October 2007 performance.
