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11 Is A Prime Number. It Is Also A Curious Statistic.

(10/14/09 4:00pm)

Philadelphia’s IQ is 130. Okay, we know what you must be thinking: "Only 130? Come on now Philly, you should’ve tried harder." But it actually translates as 11th on the list of America’s smartest cities, according to that bastion of truth, The Daily Beast. Yes, 11th! The Beast drafted the list based on some really complicated things we didn’t understand: something about nonfiction books and per capita bloo blee boo. But even so, 11th place? Hells yeah.

The Lies That Gia Told Us

(11/11/08 6:15pm)

I go to Gia (you know, that wonderful salad emporium adjacent to Wawa) more often than I’d like to admit. I order my salad, awkwardly ask for it to be extra chopped because I don’t like big pieces of lettuce (they freak me out) then pay for and eat my concoction. Nothing out of the ordinary thus far. However, I encounter the most stressful part of my Gia visit upon finishing my salad. I am consistently being reminded to throw out my trash and neatly place the tray on the counter when done. HOWEVER: there are two obscenely beige-colored trash cans, and I never know which one is trash and which one is recycling, seeing as they BOTH have recycling instructions on the front of them. I usually hesitate for a second, and throw it into the one that looks like it would be recycling, based solely on a “feeling” that I have. Well, on my most recent jaunt, I decided it was high time I stop being duped. In fact, I asked the mean man who worked at the counter to kindly indicate which of the two was for recycling purposes only. And do you know what his reply was? That’s right: neither one of them is recycling. It turns out good ol’ Penn gave them free bins to encourage them to adopt Greener policies but that it’s too much of a hassle to actually recycle. So be fooled no more.
