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Wharton 435,000, Engineering 0

(10/14/09 9:20pm)

Penn sure pulled a fast one on chairman and chief executive of InVivo Therapeutics Inc. Frank Reynolds. See, he applied to a fancy pants Penn program to get a schmaltzy "Executive Masters in Technology Management" degree. And, he assumed that with a pretty sounding name like "Executive Masters" that this coveted degree would come from Wharton. Boy was Reynolds surprised when he discovered his Technology Management degree came from the lowly Engineering school. Uh oh! What's a Penn grad to do? What any good all-American Ivy-Leaguer would do: sue.

A Little NYT Love

(08/28/09 4:30pm)

Once again the New York Times has acknowledged Philadelphia's awesomeness. Disguised as a piece on Philadelphia's art scene, this week's Art & Design section goes beyond Philly art to detail much of what we love about the city: murals, good eats and BYOs. As the article describes, Philly has lots to offer. (Duh.) Incoming Freshman: get excited, going to school in Philadelphia has its perks... according to us and some fancy pants New Yorkers.

Hoagies All Around

(07/30/09 3:24pm)

All summer long our favorite 24-hour munchie provider — aka Wawa — has been celebrating Hoagiefest. There is some sort of contest with prizes and stuff involved, but more importantly, every two weeks Wawa chooses a special Shorti to feature for only $2.99. The fun was supposed to end July 26th, but The Wa (as our friends at Princeton call it) has decided to extend the deal through August 9th.

Cabs Gone Wild

(07/22/09 4:39pm)

We think Philadelphia taxis are trying to say something, but all we hear are the sounds of their tooting horns. Hoards of Philadelphia cabs are parading down Market Street (near City Hall), honking. Since their protest signs (displayed on their dashboards) are too small to see from the surrounding office buildings, we aren't quite sure what the cabbies want. Some shoddy photos of the scene from an office building on 15th and Market can be found after the jump. If you know what's up, let us know in the comments.

Starbucks: Making Your Pastries Better and Free-er

(07/20/09 9:30pm)

To celebrate the removal of all chemical evils  - artificial flavors, dyes, trans fats and the big bad high-fructose corn syrup - from its pastries, Starbucks invites you to FREE pastry day tomorrow. Until 10:30 a.m., you're invited (no, really, S-bucks created a printable invitiation), to enjoy a free revamped pastry. Although we know how much Penn students enjoy free, don't get too excited... the pastry only comes with a beverage purchase. Womp womp. However, for you coffee addicts out there, head to Starbucks tomorrow to get your morning fix and a bonus croissant.

Advice For Us Lesser Ivy-Leaguers

(07/08/09 3:39pm)

Sifting through the Gawker archives, we came across an entertaining little piece on intern horror stories. Normally, laughing at others' follies is super entertaining; however, upon reaching the final vignette, "Why You Cannot Trust Ivy Leaguers Even If They Appear To Be Hardworking And Eager To Please (And Also Attend Lesser Ivies)", we realized that the joke was on us!

Furniture Fantasies

(07/04/09 3:31pm)

If you thought all of your retail dreams had come true with the addition of Chipotle to our bevy of campus shops and eateries, you were wrong. A new storefront sign leads us to believe that Furniture Lifestyle — presumably a furniture retail store — will fill the vacancy between the 36th Street Cosi and Urban Outfitters (the old Eastern Mountain Sports building), making furnishing your off-campus/non-Radian apartment that much more fun! Although we all love IKEA, it's far away. And, while it likely won't have the charm (read: termites) of furniture store offerings on 40th and Market, Furniture Lifestyle may prove to ease that oh-so-hectic moving process.

Not Better Than Blarney

(07/01/09 2:28pm)

Last week the Blockley Pourhouse hosted a VIP invite-only soiree to celebrate its grand opening. Obviously Street snagged an invite because, well, we are very important after all. Even after enjoying the benefits of the open bar and live band, Koko Bongo’s inferior replacement (yes, inferior) did not live up to the hype. To express our outrage we’ve compiled a list of grievances. Here’s (not) to you, BP:

Recession? What Recession?

(06/22/09 2:37pm)

Last week the New York Times gave a rundown of the quirky cuts colleges are making to combat their budget woes. Some examples include the communications department at the University of Washington getting rid of its landlines (oh, the irony!) and Oberlin saving $22,300 by "scaling back on window washing." Even our Main Line sister, Bryn Mawr, is making sacrifices as evidenced by its "virtual swim meet" with Dickinson College (now that just seems lazy, people!).

The Sweet Escape

(06/08/09 7:44pm)

Most Penn students — as our summer exodus indicates — don't usually think of Philadelphia as an exotic getaway destination.  More accurately, for us, Philadelphia = Penn, which represents eight grueling months spent in Van Pelt (or for us classy kids, FFA) and a few blissful moments binge drinking our sorrows away. Therefore, any chance we get we flee to more "desirable" locales: Acapulco, Goldman Sachs, etc.

The Best Things In Life Are Free

(06/02/09 4:49pm)

Why pay for coffee when stealing from Au Bon Pain is just so easy? Now that the majority of Penn students have fled campus, using your ABP five-finger discount is kind of tough (sans the between-class rush and whatnot). Well, for those of you unwilling to pay for anything ABP, your day has come: head to the Hunstman Hall location for free iced coffee tomorrow starting at 2 p.m. And who knows, maybe the free coffee will lure a big enough crowd so you can pilfer some chocolate croissants.
