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Baltimore Avenue Gets Lit

(06/25/09 8:47pm)

What is the one thing in the world that you fear the most? If your answer is “animals that strongly resemble dinosaurs” or “compound eyes,” we empathize wholeheartedly but are sorry to say that we can offer no solace at this point in time. However, if your response is “West Philadelphia” and/or “the dark” we’ve got news that will brighten your day! (Note: This pun and those that follow, italicized for emphasis, unintended.)

Buttoning It Up With Dolly Parton

(05/25/09 4:11am)

It seems that our very own namesake was home to the 18th performance in Anthology Project's "Dance: 31," an exhibition in which artist Thomas Choinacky will spend the entirety of May dancing to a different song in a different location each day. For a group that describes its purpose as "keeping the audience on their toes with edgy work...and innovative performance spaces," we'd expect a little more than this failed-flash-mob-esque display. However, we do find the graduate poking her head out of the button hole, assumedly for an embarrassing picture, pretty entertaining.

Penn Grad Goes To Infinity, And Beyond!

(05/19/09 7:23am)

NASA has announced its crew for a space shuttle set to launch in April of 2010. On this list is astronaut Garrett Reisman, who graduated from Penn in '91 with majors in Econ and Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics. According to this sport-y article in The NY Times that we can't be bothered to read thoroughly, and The DP ca. 1998, he was a member of ATO and the president of the Interfraternity Council.

Ra Ra Riot

(04/26/09 4:51am)

Starting around 9 p.m., the corner of 40th and Walnut started to flood with West Philly teenagers. Hundreds of them. McDonalds, Fresh Grocer, and Greek Lady closed their doors to business while the police barricaded Walnut between 39th and 40th, and 40th between Walnut and Market. Tipsters reported seeing nightstick-wielding police officers attempting to herd the mob away from campus, as well as helicopters circling the area at around 10:30. By 11:00, the mob had dispersed and the line outside of Smokes (protected by a security guard) was back to its usual Saturday bustle. According to the DP, the Philadelphia Police Department has reported an assault against an officer.

What The Funk?

(04/03/09 4:06pm)

For those of us looking to funk up our lives a little, SPEC-TRUM and SPEC Jazz and Grooves are providing the perfect opportunity. Enjoy the confusing but beautiful weather tonight in Wynn Commons, where Little Brother will open for Robert Randolph & The Family Band. Doors open at 7:00 and Little Brother is set to go on at 7:30.

Nancy Drew And The Case Of The FUBAR Harrison Restroom

(01/27/09 4:13pm)

As I hunkered down to start writing a response paper with a 6 AM deadline (ca. 12:53 AM), the four cups of black coffee I chugged with dinner caught up to me. Happy to have chosen the Harrison computer lab for its vicinity to both my house and a bathroom, I made my way down the hall, stopping briefly to glare at the excessively chatty clique seated near me (Friendship is for Rosengarten, kids.) Upon opening the restroom door, I was greeted by the following scene (see Exhibits A & B).
