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Here's What Dean Furda and Kevin Hart Talked About

(03/01/17 12:25am)

We reached out to Kathryn Bezella, a spokesperson for Dean Furda, to see what Furda and Kevin Hart were talking about at the 76ers game. We didn't expect to hear back, but we did. Bezella informed us, in the email above, that Furda told Hart that he has over 2,000 followers on Twitter. Hart laughed because he has 32 million (16,000 times more than 2,000).

OP-ED: Each Time I Cross the Street, I Worry That a Car Will Hit Me and the Driver Will Get Out and Make Fun of My Shoes

(02/21/17 8:51pm)

Crossing the street is probably one of the most dangerous things we do, a statement I am making with no statistical evidence. I don't drive a car at Penn, I don't engage in dangerous pastimes like skydiving or ultimate frisbee, and I keep a relatively healthy diet. Crossing the street is a necessary evil, to be sure, but I fear for my safety each time I dart across a cross-walk. Not just my safety, in fact, but my dignity too.

Wow! This Freshman's Hands Aren't Sweaty, He Just Washed Them Recently

(02/15/17 6:55pm)

When Mike Rimble handed a classmate a pen, he knew what she was thinking. Her eyes widened and she shivered, slightly but noticeably, as their hands met. Mike, a Freshman in the College, was quick to dispel any misconceptions. "Sorry my hands are so wet, I just washed them but the bathroom was out of paper towels," he laughed nervously. She seemed doubtful, but smiled. Crisis averted.

Fratsutawney Phil Sees Shadow, Predicts Six More Weeks of Pledging

(02/02/17 6:08pm)

Groundhog Day is a tradition dating back as far as 1841, according to Wikipedia, and an affair which provided the basis for the popular 1993 film Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray. Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog (replaced often) from Punxsutawney, PA is treated as a meteorologist. Generally, he is expected to predict whether winter will continue for six weeks or spring will come early. 
