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In and Around the Button This Week: Feminism, Yay!

(10/16/08 12:30pm)

It sucks that we only get two days off for fall break, but those two days tend to blur with the end of the previous week, resulting in two abbreviated weeks of classes, and, for one night only, a "This Week at Penn" post that starts on a Thursday rather than a day of the week closer to the week's beginning. Coincidentally, or maybe because we just fail to realize how biased we are, each of the following events pertain to feminism.  Hooray!

Um, There Is Going To Be a Legit Treasure Hunt in Philly This Weekend

(10/15/08 10:11pm)

A certain RSS junkie and friend-to-UTB wrote in to draw our attention to this contest, which she found via Geekadelphia. (Nerd!) We are now rethinking our previous Saturday plans of camping out on the fifth floor of Van Pelt, because, hello?  An actual treasure hunt that might result in us winning a $20,000 diamond ring?  Um, AWESOME.

Freaky Fake Homeless People Outside Addams

(10/15/08 9:43pm)

We were strolling along Walnut Street a few hours ago between classes and happened upon what looked to be, this being West Philly, the unfortunately familiar silhouettes of some beggars.  But when we looked closer, we saw that the bodies weren't moving, making them not homeless people but shabbily-dressed mannequins.  We all know Addams is the Fine Arts building, so we have to ask: what kind of bizarre senior thesis project is this?

A charlatan's guide to Yom Kippur

(10/09/08 4:31pm)

We can't help but feel that campus activity has grinded to a halt in honor of Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, and there's sadly no new issue of 34th Street this week to distract us.  And not like we check the numbers obsessively or anything, but we've also noticed a major dip in this blog's traffic since sundown yesterday.  We also feel a little sheepish being the only person around that's not fasting today.  So, as usual, we decided to type our problems into Google and see what the search engine offered up in return.

Branding issues: There are too many things named Penn!

(10/08/08 11:43pm)

We were doing some important research on Seventeen magazine's website (shut up) and we came across this item on Penn Badgley.  Who is Penn Badgley, you ask?  We wish we didn't know!  He plays pretentious emosogynist Dan on Gossip Girl, and we completely hate him for lots of reasons, not least of which is that his first name is Penn.

What's your sign? And other exercises in applied astrology

(10/08/08 1:00pm)

We haven't heard much about Amy Gutmann lately.  How's she doing?  What does she think of Sarah Palin?  Since we'd like to catch up with Amy, but don't actually, um, know her, we decided to look up her horoscope and extrapolate from there.  If this "public figure" Facebook page is to be believed, Amy Gutmann's birthday is November 19, making her a Scorpio.  Scorpios are known for being intense and powerful, but also mysterious and secretive.  According to our favorite astrologer, this month Scorpios are having a tough time forging ahead in their projects, and are even considering switching jobs!  Oh noes!

Trojan survey gives Penn's sexual health an A-

(10/07/08 5:00pm)

CollegeOTR tipped us off to Trojan's sexual health report card, a glorified survey on campus resources masquerading as some sort of racy report rather than what it is, a press release that they hope will get picked up on blogs like this one.  Mission accomplished!  Penn ranks 21, behind Columbia, Cornell and Brown, but ahead of Harvard and Yale.  We're not sure what the implications of this are--can we expect to get more severe STD's when we hook up with Yalies?  Will this harm Penn's permanent sexual transcript?

Phillymag asks Penn grad, age 22, to participate in 'Suburban Mom Roundtable'

(10/07/08 3:00pm)

Do you read Philadelphia magazine?  Unless you are an upper-middle-class Main Line mom, the answer is probably no.  However, if you tore yourself away from gchat for a moment, you would discover that it's quite a good magazine.  But we know this is unlikely, so we're here to summarize!

NYT momentarily pays attention to Philly pet project

(10/07/08 3:54am)

Quick, check out the The New York Times's homepage, which currently features a big ol' story on none other than Philadelphia's Mural Arts Program, which this year is celebrating its 25th anniversary. "Community public art can knit people together in a way that other things can’t," program director (and erstwhile Penn prof!) Jane Golden tells the paper.  An accompanying slideshow features more murals you may have noticed during your travels about the city.  We offer a virtual pat on the back to all the community organizers out there who've contributed to this project (and would like to point out to Sarah Palin that community organizers, do, in fact, make a difference sometimes).  Three cheers for murals!

'Tis the season for Senior Society tapping

(10/06/08 9:50pm)

From the looks of all the chalkings on the walk today, it seems that the senior societies were out in full force last night to welcome their fall inductees.  The Sphinx mark is blanketing Locust from 40th street to 34th, while Mortarboard's "MB" stamp is slightly less ubiquitous.  No sign of Friars yet--can we expect them to strike back tonight?  Or will rain come and wash it all away?

You guys, how awesome was Anderson Cooper?

(10/05/08 4:03am)

We just returned from Anderson Cooper's speech at a packed-to-both-balconies Irvine Auditorium.  Cooper was well-spoken, witty, self-effacing, and said he sounds "like a 12-year-old at an NSYNC concert" when he yells.  It would not be an exaggeration to say he was adorable and perfect in every way.* Check out this clip from the opening of the speech:

What We Found Under the Button This Week

(10/03/08 11:56pm)

We O.D.ed on cupcakes during our Vice Presidential debate eating game. (And every time Sarah Palin winked, an angel got its wings.) We laughed and cried with (but mostly laughed at) our compatriots in Wharton. We ignored all this semester's work and looked dreamily ahead to next semester. Our Sports for Chicks columnist decoded football. DJ Spooky came to the ICA and told us to expect "wild stylz" from him. We saw a naked frat guy on Locust Walk. We scoured the world [wide web] for the first installment of our abroad blog feature. Our sex columnist lamented a missed pill. We almost got to see Zach Braff and Drew Barrymore. See you next week tonight at Van Party.
