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Princeton Gets Kindles, We Get Bupkis

(05/06/09 6:17pm)

Amazon.com just unveiled a new Kindle, which is a magical device from the future that allows you to read digital versions of your really expensive/heavy textbooks.  And look at that, they're partnering with Princeton, Case Western and a bunch of other schools and giving out free Kindles (which cost, oh, about $500 each) to "some students": Beginning this fall, some students at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland will be given large-screen Kindles with textbooks for chemistry, computer science and a freshman seminar already installed, said Lev Gonick, the school's chief information officer. The university plans to compare the experiences of students who get the Kindles and those who use traditional textbooks, he said. At least it sounds like lowly liberal arts majors aren't getting anything, so we feel slightly better.

You're Not A West Philly Hipster, But You Can Play One In The Movies

(05/05/09 3:41am)

Do you have nothing to do tomorrow?  Can you see yourself as a convincing hippie, Asian businessman or sombrero guy?  Then you, friend, could be a movie star.  Via the Green Line Cafe's website, we hear that the producers of Napoleon Dynamite are looking for Green Line-esque people to populate their Green Line-inspired set.  Read on for the full announcement.

Button Hits The Books, But Also Rocks Out

(05/04/09 3:18pm)

With finals now officially here, everyone's got studying and paper-writing on the brain.  As you may have noticed, UTB is continuing to update sporadically, as we will throughout exam period.  What does this mean for you?  Keep sending in tips!  See a crazy study fort in Van Pelt, or have an insane story from a weekend of formal-hopping? Hit us up!  While we wait for your tips, Street's editors have taken the liberty of putting together a sick playlist for you all.  (We hope it is, at least -- our music editors, fresh off their "Too Cool For Street" paper plate award at this weekend's gala extravaganza, have not deigned to contribute. Guyyyys, you're killing us.) Clicking on each song should allow you to listen -- enjoy! "Can I Kick It?" - A Tribe Called Quest Because, yes, I can in fact kick it. --Julia Rubin

Slumdog 2, Jim Henson Via Woody Allen, And Other Mashups From Your Brilliant Classmates

(05/04/09 1:50am)

Winners for this year's mashup contest, sponsered by Penn Libraries and the Penn Humanities Forum, among others, were recently announced.  We highly recommend that you check out the winning entries, which include a really cool Jay-Z being a G sequence narrated by a W. H. Auden poem, the Muppets taking a different kind of Manhattan, Field of Dreams reinterpreted, and a Penn-style sequel to Slumdog Millionaire, complete with a gratuitous absurd dance finale (see image at right).  Each video makes for excellent procrastination fodder, and once you finish watching the winners, you can check out the rest of the entries too, meaning whoops, you'll never get anything done.

Run For Your Life! An Early-Morning Van Pelt Stampede

(04/29/09 8:51pm)

UTB hears that tensions are high over in Van Pelt's Weigle digital media lab, where students must strategize if they want a chance to print out their end-of-the-semester-project-'n'-thesis posters.  The lab prints just seven posters today, a tipster (who was coincidentally eighth in line this morning) tells us.  Our tipster planned ahead, arriving at the library a full fifteen minutes before it opened for the day, but was not prepared for what happened next: "at 8:30, when the library opened, a literal stampede charged towards weigle, people running like wild animals."  Alas, the only remaining option was Campus Copy, for twice the price. Please join us in our outrage. This is extortion! A shakedown! Highway robbery!


(04/25/09 5:45pm)

Not one, not two, but THREE Penngineers forwarded us a most disconcerting e-mail from the SEAS powers that be, warning students to change their passwords or risk the consequences.  Compromised servers, intruders, encryption: sounds like there's some good old-fashioned intrigue in the normally placid Engineering quad.  (Hmm, we wonder if this has anything to do with the last time SEAS got hacked, the perpetrator of which we hear is serving out his house arrest sentence in a HamCo apartment.)  Check out the e-mail in full:

A Big List Of People We're Jealous Of

(04/24/09 5:19pm)

Feast your eyes on this year's list of prize winners and honors society inductees, which can be found in the print edition of today's DP and conveniently reproduced below (click to enlarge).  Some highlights: senior honor awards went to Drew Feith Tye, Rahima Dosani, Erica Evans, Mia Kumagai, Brett Perlmutter, Jamie McCarthy, Noah Apektar and Wilson Tong, all of whom are either Sphinx, Friars, Cultural Elite or Ego's of the Week.  Street sure can pick 'em!  Also listed are this year's Phi Beta Kappa inductees and a bunch of other honors.  Congratulations to everyone!

FroGro Feng Shui

(04/24/09 2:47am)

No, you haven't slipped into the Twilight Zone version of FroGro, and it's not your eyes deceiving you: the chips and soda in the store's final aisle have mysteriously been swapped!  Why is still a mystery, and we encourage anyone with insight into the advantages of the switcheroo to speak up!
