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ShutterButton: Summer Buttons

(05/19/11 11:26pm)

So you've packed your bags, said bye to your stupid roommate who always messed up My Little Pony collection and marked all your CITsender emails as spam. "But what will I do without all the Penn social media this summer?" you gasp. It's okay! Like the students above, we'll be hanging around (since there's a ladder, get it?) for the next few months, along with our friends over at Street. So keep checking back– we'll be here!

(05/16/11 9:58pm)

Hey, Seniors! One last thing – From now until tomorrow at 10 p.m. you can donate your graduation regalia (cap, gown and hood) in ARCH or the Harrison or Rodin lobbies. They'll clean them and give them out next year to financially needy rising seniors! Okay, thank you, now please go do "real world" things.


(05/14/11 5:31pm)

In case you've been hiding under a wifi-free rock (4th and 5th floors of Van Pelt last week), Penn students have recently swarmed to Twitter en masse to express themselves, poke fun at Theos and "be funny." The latest addition to this freak show of self-indulgence is the Penn Commencement Twitter for the Class of 2011. If you must read it (which you don't), be prepared for a collection of completely unnecessary and mind-numbingly boring tweets similar to the one above. Other tweets to expect within the next two days:


(05/02/11 4:57pm)

Seniors, that dreaded day is fast approaching: Graduation. While we'll miss you all dearly (Except for you, super-seniors! Go away! Ew!) and we're still trying to figure out what life will be like without you, we have one parting gift: the gift of fashion. Need a way to jazz up the ole' polyester potato sack your graduation robes? Look no further: the hottest regalia designs of 2011 are here! Make that stage your runway!

OPennBook: Penn Relays Edition

(04/29/11 10:08pm)

It's been way too long since we last checked in with OpenBook, but what better day to do it than during Penn Relays? If you're not familiar with this social media extravaganza, OpenBook works by displaying all status updates on Facebook containing searched terms pulled from open profiles. Because, yeah, people still have open profiles. And AOL accounts. This is 2011, people– get with it! Like, really!? What's with that menacing ellipsis... What are you trying to say... What? Where? Not so much love.

What's HapPENNing?

(04/25/11 2:00pm)

Alright, guys, this is it: the last week of school. Well, the last week of school with classes. How did this happen so quickly? What ever happened to this semester? What ever happened to our youth? What ever happened to...EVERYTHING?! While you're crying about this and the fact that you may be moving away from Penn for the summer, think about all the crazy stuff happening on campus this week!

ShutterButton: Don't You Wish Your Girlfriend Had Relics Like These?

(04/19/11 3:10pm)

Oh, Penn Museum, how you've changed! Not only did you show us some pretty coo' Indian artifacts in the 1940s, but you threw in a dashing diva for us to admire! Ah, the Museum certainly isn't what it used to be. Do you know how much trouble we got in during the NSO Toga Party for snuggling with the Sphinx in the Egyptian wing?!

What's HapPENNing?

(04/18/11 2:00pm)

Welcome back to reality! Since spring has sprung and Fling has... No, we refuse to say "flung." In any case, the 2010-2011 school year has officially begun to wind down, but there are some great events to celebrate the nice weather and surviving the wonderful mess that was Fling. Get outside and start LIVING!

Fling Photo Contests: UTB And DP Style

(04/12/11 7:58pm)

Do you like competitions but are not very good at doing things? Do you take pictures that aren't great but are hilarious? No worries. Send us your memorable/scandalous/sloppy Fling photos and we'll post them! (We'll ensure confidentiality by covering up any identifying details.) No need for actual camera images: iPhones, Blackberries and toy cameras all work fine! The pics that we put up will be entered into a highly prestigious caption contest. Best caption for each photo will win something great!

What's NOT HapPENNing?

(04/11/11 2:00pm)

Seeing as this is the most anticipated week of the entire year, we bring you a very special edition of your favorite Monday feature: What's NOT HapPENNing? From Fling floor passes to passing out on the floor, this week promises to be crazier than that time you took sips of wine coolers at your cousin's wedding! Check out what's going on around campus this week in between your power hours, sloppy picnics and BYOs at Commons!
