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(10/06/14 3:52pm)

Chris Matthews Is Coming To Penn--Looking to play "Hardball"? Chris Matthews is scheduled to make an appearance in Dealing with the Media at 6:30 today in the second floor conference room of Fox Leadership Hall. Dealing with the Media is fittingly taught by Marjorie Margolies, who in addition to having a satisfyingly alliterative name, just happens to share a new granddaughter with the Clintons, yes those Clintons. All are welcome to see Chris at his calmest when dealing with anything related to "Fox". 

How To Have An Anti-Yom Kippur

(10/03/14 5:38pm)

Yom Kippur is approaching and along with opportunities for repentance and pre-fall break weight loss comes the opportunity to show the world how not Jewish you really are. Terrified of the balding Long Island dad you slowly see yourself becoming? Sick of everyone assuming you're Jewish because your last name is Cohen? If you care about Yom Kippur, click here. If you need to prove how little you care, read on!

Bike Share Finally Comes To Philly

(09/29/14 11:16pm)

In a move to catch us up to almost every other major East Coast city, bike share is coming to Philadelphia! But before they plop down some bikes, they need our help to choose its 60 locations from an array of options, four of which are comfortably within the Penn bubble. Comment on the bike share location survey to ensure we won't have face the prospect of having to actually walk to Market, or even Baltimore, for a bike. (We recommend answering the "being comfortable at night" question less like your mother and more like a West Philadelphian). 

Bike Share Finally Comes To Philly

(09/29/14 11:11pm)

In a move to catch us up to almost every other major East Coast city, bike share is coming to Philadelphia! But before they plop down some bikes, they need our help to choose its 60 locations from an array of options, four of which are comfortably within the Penn bubble. Comment on the bike share location survey  to ensure we won't have face the prospect of having to actually walk to Market, or even Baltimore, for a bike. (We recommend answering the "being comfortable at night" question less like your mother and more like a West Philadelphian). 

Pure Fare Comes To Houston Hall!

(09/18/14 3:35pm)

Einstein's usurper has been identified! According to our insider source, the newest addition to the Houston basement is none other than our former food truck friend, Pure Fare. We are a little offended Penn didn't cater to our survey based demands, but we can all rejoice at the prospect of the Houston salad line dwindling as the leggings are lured elsewhere. 

Pure Fare Comes To Houston Hall!

(09/18/14 2:17pm)

Einstein's usurper has been identified! According to our insider source, the newest addition to the Houston basement is none other than our former food truck friend, Pure Fare. We are a little offended Penn didn't cater to our survey based demands, but we can all rejoice at the prospect of the Houston salad line dwindling as the leggings are lured elsewhere. 

Playboy Just Gets Us

(09/15/14 6:53pm)

Finally, after all the meaningless rankings, Penn has scored the number one slot that validates years of clinging to the idea of the "social ivy." According to the people who know how to throw down, and how to convince women to wear less clothing and more animal ears, Penn has the top party scene in the nation. It's about damn time. 

ShutterButton: Modern Eye Gives Us An Eyeful

(09/09/14 4:48pm)

Although its storefront is usually laden with disturbing, though certainly eye-catching imagery (read eyes as chocolates), Modern Eye has outdone itself with its summer themed beach bonanza. We call this installation "Barbie Dream House meets Salvador Dali." There's social commentary in here somewhere, but we are too creep-ed out to dwell on it.

Let's Talk About Sex, Again

(09/02/14 8:01pm)

In case you needed some more specific information about Penn's much famed "hook-up" culture, this month's Cosmo has got the analyses you've been waiting for. Arielle Pardes (C'14), a former DP opinion columnist, was quoted in Cosmo revealing what exactly Penn students are doing when they dive under the button. Combine this tidbit with our "Most Polite" ranking and the profile of the typical Penn coed just keeps getting better. 

That Would Be Wharton

(07/22/14 2:14am)

Although we're all grasping onto the last full month of summer with our beach towels, passports and excel user manuals, we've reached the tipping point when it's time to give just a few words of advice to the incoming class. Our first: What you post might get posted, so please post. Our second: If you're already feeling jealous of College students, never speak to someone in Wharton. They get ukulele playing profs, lion king reenactments, annnnd pornography. But before you create your own struggle bus, take into account that you'll get so much more out of your Fridays.

Bite Me

(04/30/14 8:00pm)

In honor of one of Penn's most orally fixated traditions, UTB has decided to add some friendly competition to the Hey Day festivities. Keep track (if you can) of who takes a chomp out of your styrofoam and maybe you could earn some much deserved Junior year glory.
